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Sage Accpac Vision Point

Sage Accpac Vision Point is a leading accounting and business management software suite designed for small to medium-sized businesses.  A powerful, out-of-the-box solution, Sage Accpac Vision Point lets you start with a basic system and add specialized applications as your needs evolve.

Take advantage of Sage Accpac Vision Point's easy-to-navigate user interface and minimum-effort setup and you'll get an open, modular architecture that enables you to make modifications as needed.  The high-powered combination of of available source code and more than 200 add-on modules make Sage Accpac Vision Point and adaptable program that can be tailored to fit your company's need perfectly -- you can enhance your system by adding a simple procedure unique to your industry or redesign an entire function.

Sage Accpac Vision Point will get your business up and running quickly, delivering big business functionality with a comprehensive set of accounting features including powerful analysis, reporting and operations management capabilities.  It offers integrated laser forms, and with Message Master, all reports can be automatically printed, faxed or sent via email.  Sage Accpac Vision Point can accommodate growth and change as your business moves forward with features you need now, and in the future, including the Business Status Report, which delivers a real-time snapshot with a predictive model for future business activities.

Customer Profile

Sage Accpac Vision Point is designed for the small to medium-sized business.  If you're a small company looking to upgrade from a single-user application, or if you have outgrown a retail product, Sage Accpac Vision Point is an ideal solution for you.


  • System Manager

  • General Ledger

  • Account Payable

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Inventory Control

  • Order Entry

  • Purchase Orders

  • Manufacturing

  • Job Cost

  • Payroll

Customization and Flexibility

  • Open Architecture

  • Source code availability

  • Industry-standard tools


Sage Accpac Vision Point provides password/privilege based security


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