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Network Security Services

How secure is your network right now?  If you can't answer the question right away and with certainty, it probably isn't very secure at all.

Network security is no longer just about passwords.  Attacks can range from anonymous viruses via the internet to a malicious employee deleting or exploiting critical data.  Malicious users can even use your compromised computer systems to attack others.

CSS provides a variety of services to secure and protect your information systems.  We even offer a free security review to show you what items should be addressed first.

We can provide

  • Firewalls that keep hackers out

  • Comprehensive anti-virus solutions

  • Content filtering to keep employees from accessing objectionable material

  • Password security consulting

  • Backup solutions for data protection

  • File and directory security auditing to keep sensitive information safe

CSS is certified!

Why settle for less?








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