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Ultimate Point Of Sale

UPOS is designed to help retailers be more productive, better manage inventory, while realizing a greater profit margin on every sale.

UPOS is time-tested with 10+ years of field experience and thousands of business users worldwide. UPOS is a leader in providing innovative, seamlessly integrated POS solutions with the top mid-market accounting systems.

Engineered using Microsoft Visual Studio tools, UPOS is easy to use, provides users with the ability to check out customers in seconds, facilitates real-time inventory control, while minimizing a retailers costs of doing business. UPOS incorporates customer service features, up-selling and add-on sales functions which enhances sales and profits. UPOS supports Touch Screens, Multi-Site Polling, Rentals, Real time Debit/Credit Authorizations, Cash drawers, Receipt printers, Pole Displays, Bar-code scanners, plus a whole lot more.

CSS is certified!

Why settle for less?








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